Most people are unaware of PetSmart selling unsafe hamster products, but here at The Healthy Hammy, it's a very big deal. (Their pet care has improved, but there are still "Tiny Tales" for sale in store and on their website.) I don't know how to even start this off, but I'll list a few dangerous products and why first. A big one is the "Tiny Tales All Living Things Comfy House and Castle". The reason why these are dangerous is because they do not have nearly enough floor space for bedding. Hamsters need to burrow, and without bedding, you can't do much burrowing. Second, it's just not natural and there is little room for enrichment. Plus, many Syrian hamsters can get stuck in those small tubes. There are also bars which encourage climbing (which hamsters do not do for fun), and increase stress. These products are also targeted towards children, which shows that there isn't much thought being put into these cages for the hamsters.
If you've ever been to PetSmart, you've probably seen the conditions the hamsters are in, and if you haven't- they're not good. In most cages, there are two hamsters. Hamsters are solitary and should never be in the same cage as each other. Hamsters can kill each other in a second, out of nowhere. The best thing you can do for your hamster if you want to give him/her love, is to provide proper care, not someone to fight. Another reason why the conditions aren't safe is because there is little enrichment in the cages and dangerous equipment. One dangerous thing off of the top of my head would be the wheels. PetSmart's wheels are way too small and can cause a hamster's back (especially Syrians) to be curved, which (as you can imagine) is incredibly painful to run on. The last reason why living conditions are poor is just a personal thing. When I went in once to pick up a hamster, (before I knew about ethical breeders) there were flies in one of the mice’s cage. But again, it’s just a personal thing and hopefully a mistake. There are a selection of good products at PetSmart for dogs, cats, and fish, but sadly, not too many for hamsters.
Of course, not just PetSmart is behind hamster mills and unsuitable cages. Any pet store chain will have these, some worse than others. I do think that PetSmart is improving their care, but it is important to not support pet store chains. If you want advice on where you should be getting your hamsters, check out my blog page again for more!