Hamster Mazes & Other Enrichment

Safe Mazes

If you want to give your hamster some extra enrichment outside of their cage, you could build a hamster maze. A hamster maze should be made out of these materials: toilet paper rolls and/or cardboard. Cardboard can be used by acting as walls, while the rolls can be used by acting as tunnels. Make sure that those are the only things used. Avoid popsicle sticks, glue (unless it’s hamster safe), and LEGOs. You should also keep an eye on your furry friend while using the maze to make sure they are comfortable and that they do not run off. The last thing about a hamster maze is that you should never (unless because of an emergency) wake up your hamster during the day. Before bringing your hamster to the maze, make sure that they are awake and active to do so.


Another way to keep your hamster active outside of their cage is the bathtub bonding method. This should be done in an empty bathtub with a towel laid at the bottom. This will help you bond with your hamster (if you are in the tub as well) or this could just be the place they stay while you spot-clean their cage. If it is for bonding, however, you should bring the container you carried your hamster in to make them feel safer. You should also bring some favorite treats if something goes wrong. If it is for containing your hamster for a quick spot-clean, you should put some toys and treats inside to keep your hamster busy. Make sure the tub is secure, since hamsters are escape artists and should never be left alone while not in a cage for at least 15 minutes.




Spot Cleaning