A Hamster Diet

The best thing to feed your hamster is probably a homemade food mix since most pet stores in the U.S. don’t sell acceptable hamster food mixes. Here are a few tips on feeding your hamster!

The mix that I have for my hamster is Freeze Dried Mealworms (the ones for reptiles are fine), Rat and Mouse Pellets, Herbs & Flowers packet off of Etsy, and Sunburst Hamster Gourmet Food. This meets most of my hamster’s nutritional needs. I also have Timothy Hay cubes on the side, and I give my hamster lettuce and some other veggies like a little bit of carrot or a tiny piece of safe fruit once and a while like apple or blueberry. Try to avoid pellet-only food mixes because they don’t have much variety or nutrition. You should only feed your hamster treats once in a while because most treats (including carrots and apples from your kitchen) are very high in sugar. I only feed my hamster a few treats a month. If you want to feed your hamster a salad with their some veggies/fruits, you should give them (depending on the size of your hamster) a few tiny cubes of it. If you notice your hamster hasn’t eaten any of the vegetables or fruits, then you should remove them so that they don’t decay when/if your hamster does try to eat them. Make sure you wash all of the vegetables and fruits you feed to your hamster, just like if you were going to eat it. Organic fruits and veggies are preferred, so that your hamster doesn’t get sick from pesticides and/or other chemicals. If not, it’s okay but just try to buy a separate set of lettuce eventually if you are going to feed it to your hamster a lot. A salad or treats should never substitute a hamster’s regular meal. Dwarf hamsters and Chinese hamsters (also hybrids) should get about a teaspoon of mix. Syrians should get a tablespoon. (Unless your vet says otherwise or you know that your hamster has a medical problem.)

*Always make sure a vegetable or fruit is safe for your hamster using a trusted website or video. 

If you want to know more about safe and unsafe hamster foods, please watch (a trusted informational YouTuber) Victoria Raechel’s video on safe and unsafe foods called, SAFE and UNSAFE foods for hamsters!




Hamster Lifespans