Solitary Friends

For many years, people have thought that hamsters love to be with others and make friends- but really, hamsters are solitary creatures. Some people agree with dwarfs being allowed to live in an enclosure with one another, but it is still very risky and they don’t need it. If something isn’t necessary, you should never risk your hamsters life for it (obviously). Most of the time, hamsters don’t even like human affection. If you want to introduce your hamster to one another and let them become friends, that’s actually a bad idea. Most of the time hamsters will fight each other without warning, often leading to death or serious injury. Sometimes, if there are a female and male hamster in the same cage, the female may give birth without you knowing, and it usually doesn’t end well. Hamster mothers will often eat their offspring if they feel threatened, or the pups will from lack of protein. Many times it happens without the owner’s knowledge. So it is best to let hamsters feel loved and happy by just giving them their proper needs instead of trying to shower them with love or attention. Of course, some hamsters may enjoy human affection, but the vast majority do not.

There are a few ethical breeders that will (obviously) have two hamsters together, but they’re not trying to make the hamsters become friends. They are also prepared for the hamster to have babies and have the proper care for them. Although it may be disappointing, you shouldn’t try to let your hamsters become BFFs, or even let them live in the same cage together. If you want a social pet, you should get a dog or any animal that would appreciate the constant attention, love, and friends. But while you have a hamster, it is important to pay attention to his/her needs, not your wants.


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